[Python-ideas] Debugging: some problems and possible solutions

Wolfram Hinderer wolfram.hinderer at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 3 17:12:58 EDT 2018

Am 03.10.2018 um 21:52 schrieb Jonathan Fine:
>>>> def f(a, **kwargs): pass
>>>> f(a=1, **{'': 2})
>>>> f(a=1, **{'def': 2})
> So I think Anders proposal works in CPython. I think you forgot the
> **kwargs in the parameters to f.

Ah, yes. Thank you. So it works in CPython 2.7. But I'm curious, does it 
work in very old versions?
I'm not saying that this is important, because language changes always 
are for new versions. However, Anders' claim that this not a language 
change seemed too broad to me.
It may be that this change has very little cost, but it should not be 


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