[Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses

Carl Smith carl.input at gmail.com
Sat May 12 14:14:39 EDT 2018

Minor gripe: The ability to *articulate* Python is not the same as the
ability to *type Python verbally*.

Nobody articulates `def area(width, height): return width * height` as *def
area, open paren, width, comma, space, height, closed paren..*.

They would say something like *def area as a function of width and height,
equal to width by height*.

-- Carl Smith
carl.input at gmail.com

On 12 May 2018 at 18:24, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:

> On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 08:16:07AM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> > I love given compared with := mainly because
> >
> > Simpler is better than complex:
> > * given breaks a complex statement into two simpler ones,
> (Foreshadowing: this argument applies to augmented assignment. See
> below.)
> I don't see how you justify that statement about "given". I think that
> it is "given" which is more complex. Significantly so.
> Let's compare the syntax:
>     target := expr
> That is a single, simple expression with a single side-effect: it
> assigns the value to <target>. That's it.
> Like all expressions, it returns a value, namely the result of "expr".
> Like all expressions, you can embed it in other expressions (possibly
> wrapping it in parens to avoid precedence issues), or not, as required.
> (That surrounding expression can be as simple or complex as you like.)
> Now here's Nick's syntax:
>     target given target = expr
> Exactly like the := version above, we can say that this is a single
> expression with a single side-effect. Like all expressions, it returns a
> value, namely the result of "expr", and like all expressions, you can
> embed it in other expressions.
> So far the two are precisely the same. There is no difference in the
> complexity, because they are exactly the same except for the redundant
> and verbose "given" spelling.
> But actually, I lied.
> Nick's syntax is *much more complicated* than the := syntax. Any
> arbitrary expression can appear on the left of "given". It need not
> even involve the binding target! So to make a fair comparison, I ought
> to compare:
>     target := expr
> which evaluates a single expression, binds it, and returns it, to:
>     another_expr given target := expr
> which evaluates "expr", binds it to "target", evaluates a SECOND
> unrelated expression, and returns that.
> If you want to argue that this is more useful, then fine, say so. But to
> say that it is *simpler* makes no sense to me.
> Option 1: evaluate and bind a single expression
> Option 2: exactly the same as Option 1, and then evaluate a second
> expression
> How do you justify that Option 2 "given", which does everything := does
> PLUS MORE, is simpler than Option 1?
> That's not a rhetorical question.
> > which is putting people off in the simple examples shown here (some
> > people are annoyed by the extra characters).  However, when given is
> > used in a list comprehension to prevent having to re-express it as a
> > for loop, then two simple statements are easier to understand than one
> > complex statement.
> I'd like to see an example of one of these list comprehensions that is
> simpler written with given. Here's an earlier example, an exponentially
> weighted running average:
> average = 0
> smooth_signal = [(average := (1-decay)*average + decay*x) for x in signal]
> assert average == smooth_signal[-1]
> I'm not even sure if "given" will support this. Nick is arguing strongly
> that bound targets should be local to the comprehension, and so I think
> you can't even write this example at all with Nick's scoping rule.
> But let's assume that the scoping rule is the same as the above. In that
> case, I make it:
> average = 0
> smooth_signal = [average given average = (1-decay)*average + decay*x) for
> x in signal]
> Is it longer, requiring more typing? Absolutely.
> Does it contain a redundantly repetitious duplication of the repeated
> target name? Certainly.
> But is it simpler? I don't think so.
> If you don't like the exponential running average, here's a simple
> running total:
> total = 0
> running_totals = [total := total + x for x in xs]
> versus
> total = 0
> running_totals = [total given total = total + x for x in xs]
> If you don't like this example either, please show me an example of an
> actual list comp that given makes simpler.
> > This is a
> > common difference between code written at programming contests versus
> code
> > written by those same software engineers years later at big companies.
> > Code that you write for yourself can be compact because you already
> > understand it, but code you write professionally is read many many more
> > times than it is written.  Accessibility is much more important than
> > concision.
> Ah, nice rhetorical argument: "given" is for professionals, := is a hack
> for amateurs and programming contests. Seriously?
> Do you use augmented assignment? Your simple versus complex argument for
> "given" applies well to augmented assignment.
> Augmented assignment combines two conceptual operations:
>     x = x + 1
>     - addition (for example)
>     - assignment
> into a single operator:
>     x += 1
> By your argument, augmented assignment is more complex, and we ought to
> prefer splitting it into two separate operations x = x + 1 because
> that's simpler.
> I think I agree that x = x + 1 *is* simpler. We can understand it by
> understanding the two parts separately: x+1, followed by assignment.
> Whereas += requires us to understand that the syntax not only calls a
> dunder method __iadd__ (or __add__ if that doesn't exist), which
> potentially can operate in place, but it also does an assignment, all in
> one conceptual operation. There's a whole lot of extra complexity there.
> That doesn't mean I agree with your conclusion that we ought to prefer
> the simpler version, let alone that the complex case (augmented
> assignment) is fit only for programming contests and that professionals
> ought to choose the simpler one.
> --
> Steve
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