[Python-ideas] Please consider skipping hidden directories in os.walk, os.fwalk, etc.

Random832 random832 at fastmail.com
Tue May 8 11:45:17 EDT 2018

On Mon, May 7, 2018, at 02:05, Steve Barnes wrote:
> In a lot of uses of os.walk it is desirable to skip version control 
> directories, (which are usually hidden directories), to the point that 
> almost all of the examples given look like:

CVS isn't a hidden directory on Linux. Maybe it can be on windows, but it probably won't be if it's manually created, which you mentioned issues with below. There's probably a discussion we should be having about exposing these system-specific attributes, but they really can't be a general solution for the problem you have.

MacOS, incidentally, has two distinct attributes for hiding files [chflags hidden and setfile -a V], along with a ".private" file that can be in a directory containing a list of filenames to hide.

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