[Python-ideas] Add hooks to asyncio lifecycle

Andrew Svetlov andrew.svetlov at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 09:46:16 EDT 2018

Hold on.
aiohttp doesn't suffer from hooks absence. Moreover, I don't see how these
hooks could be utilized by aiohttp. Gunicorn workers are not imported and
instantiated by user code, they are imported by gunicorn using a command
line parameter.

Please choose a different use case as the proof of your request.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 1:41 PM Michel Desmoulin <desmoulinmichel at gmail.com>

> Hi Yuri,
> >
> > I actually want to propose to reduce policies API surface by
> > deprecating and then removing "set_child_watcher()" methods.  Besides,
> > there are many other higher priority To-Do items for asyncio in 3.8,
> > like implementing Trio's nursery-like objects and cancellation scopes
> > or fixing tracebacks in Tasks.
> >
> > That said, the above is my "IMO".  And in your email you haven't
> > actually provided clear scenarios that could be solved by adding
> > "event loop hooks" to asyncio.  So I have a few questions for you:
> >
> > - Do you have real-life examples of libraries that abuse policies in
> > some weird ways?
> It's not abuse, it's just regular use of a documented feature, but a
> very potent feature with deep consequences.
> > - Are those libraries popular?
> aiothttp comes to mind. But the fact is, I think people explicitly avoid
> using policies and custom loops because they know that they can be
> swapped and you can't make it a hard requirement since they can be
> swapped under your node.
> > - What's the actual problem they try to solve by using policies?
> e.g:
> https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/blob/53828229a13dc72137f430abc7a0c469678f3dd6/aiohttp/worker.py
> > - What problem are you trying to solve in your code that uses policies?
> I have tried to create an abstraction that creates an uvloop if it
> exists, or a regular loop otherwise, or integrated it to the twisted
> reactor or the trio event loop if it's loaded.
> I want to abstract that from the user, so I tried to put that in a
> policy. But that's dangerous since it can be changed at any time, so I
> gave up on it and made it explicit. Of course, if the user misses that
> in the doc (hopefully, it's an company internal code so they should be
> trained), it will be a bummer to debug.
> Another example is the proof of concept of nurseries we talked about on
> twitter:
> https://0bin.net/paste/V5KyhAg-2i5EOyoK#dzBvhdCVeFy8Q2xNcxXyqwtyQFgkxlKI3u5QG0buIcT
> Yet another one, with a custom loop this time:
> I want to provide a fail fast mode for code using loop.run_forever. The
> goal is to make it crashes when an uncaught exception occurs instead of
> just log it in the console to ease debugging in a local machine.
> Of course it would be best to use run_until_complete instead but you
> don't always get to choose.
> So we set a task factory on the loop. But, of course, you lose
> everything if something changes the loop on the fly, which my code has
> no idea has happened.
> Another use case is to just log that the loop / policy has changed in
> debug mode. It's always something I want to know anyway, because it has
> consequences on my entire program since those are pretty fundamental
> components.
> > - Why do you think this isn't a documentation/tutorial issue?> - Can you
> list 2-3 clear examples where having hooks would benefit an
> > average asyncio user?
> The best documentation is the one you don't need to write. But if I'm
> being honest, I'd like to have it despite having a good warning in the
> documentation.
> When you run Django's manage.py runserver, it will check your code for a
> lot of common issues and raise a warning or an exception, letting you
> know what to do.
> With those hooks, I could check if a policy or a loop is changed, and if
> some things in my code depends on a policy or a loop, I can do the same
> and raise a warning or an exception.
> This benefit the users because they get the info exactly in context, and
> not just rely on them reading the doc, understanding it, remembering it
> and applying it.
> And that benefits the framework writers because that's less support, and
> less bug reports to deal with.
> Using asyncio is scary and mysterious enough for a lot of people, so I
> want to make the experience as natural as possible. I don't want people
> to have to read my doc and learn what event loops and policies are for
> basic usage. It's too much. But on the other hand, I do want them to be
> able to debug a problem if the loop or policy is swapped.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Yury
> Thank you too
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Andrew Svetlov
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