[Python-ideas] A better (simpler) approach to PEP 505

Mark E. Haase mehaase at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 13:23:40 EDT 2018

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 11:34 AM Robert Vanden Eynde <robertve92 at gmail.com>

> The default could be at the end with an argument to unboxing :
> favorite = NoneAware(cfg).user.profile.food.unbox("Spam")

That's what PyMaybe does:


PyMaybe is a great implementation of the idea, but it's obviously limited
in what it can do. It doesn't have short-circuiting (but it uses lambda to
approximate it). It swallows a multitude of attribute and look up errors.
It doesn't support coalescing. And it can't be used with any library that
isn't PyMaybe-aware.

For people who want to explore deeply nested objects/dictionaries (perhaps
from unserialized JSON), there's also a pure Python library for that:

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