[Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

INADA Naoki songofacandy at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 04:25:53 EDT 2018

Honestly speaking, I don't want make Python syntax more complex.

But when comparing to accepted PEP 572, I think this PEP is useful
often enough.  And PEP 505 doesn't break border between
expression and statement unlike PEP 572.

Especially, ?? and ??= seems useful very often.
And `x ?? default` seems much more readable than
`x if x is not None else default` or `default if x is None else x`.

On the other hand, `?.` and `?[]` seems useful less often and more confusing.

When looking `spam?.egg`, people can expect `getattr(spam, 'egg', None)`
rather than `spam.egg if spam is not None else None`.

Since `?.` and `?[]` can't avoid AttributeError, IndexError and KeyError,
I think it's confusing and not useful enough compared with it's ugliness.

So my current position is +1 for `??` and `??=`, but -1 for others.

INADA Naoki  <songofacandy at gmail.com>

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