[Python-ideas] Using sha512 instead of md5 on python.org/downloads

Marcos Eliziario marcos.eliziario at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 10:28:31 EST 2018

A Hash is surely useful in the context of locking versions of software
packages in Pipfile.lock because we tell us that the code we are
downloading has not changed since the first we saw this particular version
of the package, but only a signature scheme tell us with a reasonable
degree of certainty (though, not absolute) that this particular version of
the code came from who it claims to have came from.

If an attacker is able to hijack the github repository from a project and
it's website, specially on low activity projects, nothing would prevent
them from releasing a rogue version, and people downloading it and using it
for some time until the rightful maintainers of said project are able to
take back control of it. Signing of course is as secure as the ability of
said project maintainers to keep their private keys safe. But while we know
that nothing can be made 100% secure, a culture that relies on signatures
is inherently more secure than relying only on hashes, no matter how
cryptographically strong they may be.

Hashes tell us that the code we've download we have is the same as other
blob of code stored somewhere that for whatever reasons we trust. PGP tells
us that there is a high probability, assuming the private keys haven't been
compromised, and that a lot of people agrees that the public key we have
came from the right person or organization, that this blob of code came
from who it says it came from.

Em seg, 10 de dez de 2018 às 13:05, Marcos Eliziario <
marcos.eliziario at gmail.com> escreveu:

> My two cents.
> Automation tools should check the PGP signature. The public keys should be
> obtained once via https from an odd number of different trustworthy sources
> from a set of well know domains that use DNSSEC. Users should be advised to
> check the certificate chain from those domains at the first time those keys
> are downloaded and explicitly agree. This is a more secure schema than
> simply relying on a checksum that you've got from the same site you've used
> to download the code.
> Moving from MD5 from SHA obscures this, by making people believe that this
> hash should be used for anything more than checking for file corruption.
> Em seg, 10 de dez de 2018 às 12:45, Bernardo Sulzbach <
> bernardo at bernardosulzbach.com> escreveu:
>> If the discussion gets to which SHA-2 should be used, I would like to
>> point out that SHA-512 is not only twice the width of SHA-256 but also
>> faster to compute (anecdotally) on most 64-bit platforms.
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> --
> Marcos Eliziário Santos
> mobile/whatsapp/telegram: +55(21) 9-8027-0156
> skype: marcos.eliziario at gmail.com
> linked-in : https://www.linkedin.com/in/eliziario/

Marcos Eliziário Santos
mobile/whatsapp/telegram: +55(21) 9-8027-0156
skype: marcos.eliziario at gmail.com
linked-in : https://www.linkedin.com/in/eliziario/
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