[Python-ideas] A simple proposal concerning lambda

Abe Dillon abedillon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 22:10:21 EDT 2018

[Jonathan Fine]

> one of the messages had a link to still live and excellent page
> > https://wiki.python.org/moin/AlternateLambdaSyntax
> This page lists over 100 suggestions, mostly variants. So far as I can
> see, my simple proposal isn't listed on that page. The page also says


Unfortunately the links to conversations seem to all be broken!

Most of the links are from December 2004, so I pulled up the discussion for
that month
and searched "lambda"

I was able to find what I believe is reference [1]:

It looks like the post numbers got mangled...

Anyway, it looks like that page covers December 2004-June 2005, I found a
few nuggets of opposition:



I sort-of understand the opposition to multi-line anonymous functions, but
I think the Terry Reedy (in the second link)
is a bit too dismissive of the concept of anonymous functions.

I don't work with user-interfaces a lot, but when I do; I can see why UI
coders use anonymous functions so much.
Defining a function in a statement can be far less expressive and far more
noisy than in an expression.
It's like: I'll tell you my solution, but first let me shave this Yak here.

You're defining often one-off functions before describing what you're going
to use it for.
It's only after you actually pass them to an event-watcher that the context
of their logic is clear.
For instance:

>>> def handler(event):  # First, let me tell you about a function
...     <shave yak with event>  # It's a 1-off with a throw-away name
...     return result  # You'll see what I need it for later...
>>> ui_element.on_mouseover(handler)


>>> # lack of noisy preamble to your code
>>> ui_element.on_mouseover(<what to do> with event)

The anonymous function is given meaning by virtue of the context in-which
it's defined.
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