[Python-ideas] Off topic: 'strike a balance' - second language English

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 18:07:18 EDT 2018

Hi Greg

You (and a reddit user) wrote:

>> Matlab says: "Here, copy paste this and it'll work".

>> To the point that the workspace is designed to automatically strip >>>
>> from any copy and pasted commands.

> Maybe this is something Python's REPL should do?

Good idea.

Maybe this is something that you (or someone else) should raise on
bugs.python.org? And I expect that then, they'll ask for it to be
discussed on python-ideas.

So what do we get from the bounce? Well, you (or someone else) would
be keeping an eye on this. (Aside: I'd like to be the someone else,
but I don't have the time.).


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