[Python-ideas] PEP 505: None-aware operators

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 04:45:37 EDT 2018

Hi Chris

Thank you for your reply. I think we're making good progress.

You wrote

>> 10) a ?. b ?. c
>> 11) (a ?. b) ?. c
> I would parse those differently, but you may be right that they'll
> always have the same final result.

I'd like to get some certainty on this. I'm not aware of any value of
'a' for which #10 and #11 give different values. Can you (or anyone
else) think of any such value?

> Technically they should result in different code, though.

Maybe. We need to think. Should can be a difficult word. Elsewhere you
have, as I recall, pointed out that
    if None:
generates no code.

Perhaps the compiler should collapse #11 to #10, if they are
equivalent. But this is a side issue.

So, are there any values of 'a' for which #10 and #11 don't give the
same result?


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