[Python-ideas] A "local" pseudo-function

Steve Barnes gadgetsteve at live.co.uk
Sat Apr 28 22:51:05 EDT 2018

On 28/04/2018 04:34, Yury Selivanov wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> This is interesting. Even "as is" I prefer this to PEP 572. Below are some
> comments and a slightly different idea inspired by yours (sorry!)
> On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 10:41 PM Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> wrote:
> [..]
>> As an expression, it's
>>       "local" "(" arguments ")"
>> - Because it "looks like" a function call, nobody will expect the targets
>>     of named arguments to be fancier than plain names.
> [..]
>> Everyone's favorite:
>> if local(m = re.match(regexp, line)):
>>       print(m.group(0))
>> Here's where it's truly essential that the compiler know everything
>> about "local", because in _that_ context it's required that the new
>> scope extend through the end of the entire block construct (exactly
> It does look like a function call, although it has a slightly different
> syntax. In regular calls we don't allow positional arguments to go after
> keyword arguments.  Hence the compiler/parser will have to know what
> 'local(..)' is *regardless* of where it appears.
> If you don't want to make 'local' a new keyword, we would need to make the
> compiler/parser to trace the "local()" name to check if it was imported or
> is otherwise "local". This would add some extra complexity to already
> complex code.  Another problematic case is when one has a big file and
> someone adds their own "def local()" function to it at some point, which
> would break things.
> Therefore, "local" should probably be a keyword. Perhaps added to Python
> with a corresponding "from __future__" import.
> The other way would be to depart from the function call syntax by dropping
> the parens.  (And maybe rename "local" to "let" ;))  In this case, the
> syntax will become less like a function call but still distinct enough.  We
> will be able to unambiguously parse & compile it.  The cherry on top is
> that we can make it work even without a "__future__" import!
> When we implemented PEP 492 in Python 3.5 we did a little trick in
> tokenizer to treat "async def" in a special way. Tokenizer would switch to
> an "async" mode and yield ASYNC and AWAIT tokens instead of NAME tokens.
> This resulted in async/await syntax available without a __future__ import,
> while having full backwards compatibility.
> We can do a similar trick for "local" / "let" syntax, allowing the
> following:
>     "let" NAME "=" expr ("," NAME = expr)* ["," expr]
> * "if local(m = re.match(...), m):" becomes
>      "if let m = re.match(...), m:"
> * "c = local(a=3) * local(b=4)" becomes
>     "c = let a=3, b=4, a*b" or "c = (let a=3, b=4, a*b)"
> *      for i in iterable:
>             if let i2=i*i, i2 % 18 == 0:
>                append i2 to the output list
> etc.
> Note that I don't propose this new "let" or "local" to return their last
> assignment. That should be done explicitly (as in your "local(..)" idea):
>    `let a = 'spam', a`.  Potentially we could reuse our function return
> annotation syntax, changing the last example to `let a = "spam" -> a` but I
> think it makes the whole thing to look unnecessarily complex.
> One obvious downside is that "=" would have a different precedence compared
> to a regular assignment statement. But it already has a different precedent
> in function calls, so maybe this isn't a big deal, considered that we'll
> have a keyword before it.
> I think that "let" was discussed a couple of times recently, but it's
> really hard to find a definitive reason of why it was rejected (or was it?)
> in the ocean of emails about assignment expressions.
> Yury
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If things were to go the keyword direction I personally think that a 
great deal of clarity could be achieved by borrowing somewhat from 
Pascal with either

   use <exp> as <local_name>[, <exp> as  <local_name> ...]:
       # Local names only exist in this scope,
       # existing names are in scope unless overridden
       # new names introduced here go out to nesting scope

OR (for those who prefer name first, a function like look, and slightly 
less typing):

   using(<local_name>=<exp>[ ,<local_name>=<exp>...]):
       # Local names only exist in this scope,
       # existing names are in scope unless overridden
       # new names introduced here go out to nesting scope

Lastly how about:

    <name> = <calculation> using(<local_name>=<exp>[ 
,<local_name>=<exp>...])  # in this case where might be better than using

Presumably, in the latter cases, the using function would return a 
sub_local dictionary that would only exist to the end of the scope be 
that the current line or indented block which should minimise the 
required magic.

Steve (Gadget) Barnes
Any opinions in this message are my personal opinions and do not reflect 
those of my employer.

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