[Python-ideas] Spelling of Assignment Expressions PEP 572 (was post #4)

Brendan Barnwell brenbarn at brenbarn.net
Sun Apr 15 17:18:33 EDT 2018

On 2018-04-15 08:58, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I've been mulling over the question why I think the expression needs to
> come first here, whereas I'm satisfied with the target coming first for
> assignment statements, and I think I've finally got the words to explain
> it. It is not just long familiarity with maths and languages that put
> the variable first (although that's also part of it). It has to do with
> what we're looking for when we read code, specifically what is the
> primary piece of information we're initially looking for.

	Interesting.  I think your arguments are pretty reasonable overall. 
But, for me, they just don't outweigh the fact that "->" is an ugly 
assignment operator that looks nothing like the existing one, whereas 
":=" is a less-ugly one that has the additional benefit of looking like 
the existing one.  From your arguments I am convinced that putting the 
expression first has some advantages, but they just don't seem as 
important to me as they apparently do to you.

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is no 
path, and leave a trail."
    --author unknown

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