[Python-ideas] Dart like multi line strings identation

Eric V. Smith eric at trueblade.com
Sun Apr 1 15:07:31 EDT 2018

On 4/1/2018 8:55 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 10:36 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> And that *mental complexity* is (in my opinion) the biggest issue with
>> adding a new d-prefix, and why I would rather make it a method.
>> Another big advantage of a method is that we can apply it to
>> non-literals too.
> I'd like to expand on this a bit more.
> Current string prefix letters are:
> * u/b: completely change the object you're creating
> * f: change it from a literal to a kind of expression
> * r: change the interpretation of backslashes
> * triple quotes: change the interpretation of newlines
> All of these are significant *to the parser*. You absolutely cannot do
> any of these with methods (well, maybe you could have u/b done by
> having a literal for one of them, and the other is an encode or decode
> operation, but that's a pretty poor hack).

The one place where a dedented string would come in handy, and where it 
would need to be recognized by the parser (and could not be the result 
of a function or method) is a docstring.

Well, I guess you could have the parser "know" about certain string 
methods, but that seems horrible.


> But dedenting a string doesn't change the way the source code is
> interpreted. So it's free to be a method - which is far easier to add
> to the language. All you need is ".dedent()" to be syntactically
> parsed as a method call (which it already is), and every tool that
> processes Python code will correctly interpret this.
> So here's what, IMO, Marius can push for:
> 1) A method on Unicode strings which does the same as textwrap.dedent()
> 2) A peephole optimization wherein certain methods on literals get
> executed at compile time.
> The latter optimization would also apply to cases such as " spam
> ".strip() - as long as all it does is return another constant value,
> it can be done at compile time. Semantically, though, the part that
> matters is simply the new method. (Sadly, this can't be applied to
> Decimal("1.234"), as that's not a method and could be
> shadowed/mocked.)
> While I wouldn't use that method much myself, I think it's a Good
> Thing for features like that to be methods rather than functions
> stashed away in a module. (How do you know to look in "textwrap" for a
> line-by-line version of x.strip() ??) So I would be +1 on both the
> enhancements I mentioned above, and a solid -1 on this becoming a new
> form of literal.
> ChrisA
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