[Python-ideas] Adding new lines to "Zen of Python"

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Fri Sep 8 19:00:45 EDT 2017

On 9/8/2017 8:47 AM, Thomas Güttler wrote:
> I curious if there are any plans to update the "Zen of Python".
> What could be added to the "Zen of Python"?
> What do you think?
"Zen of Python" is a published (in the stdlib), free-verse poem by Tim 
Peters. As a unitary work of art, it is not something to be 'updated' or 
augmented by anyone other than the author, who I believe has no plans to 
do so.  (I am here mostly repeating what M.-A. Lemburg said, but in much 
plainer English.)

A speculative thread on 'How I would edit The Zen of Python' could be 
interesting, but it belongs on python-list rather than here on python-ideas.

Terry Jan Reedy

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