[Python-ideas] IDEA

Faaiz Asim 14bscsfasim at seecs.edu.pk
Sun Mar 26 15:08:21 EDT 2017

I am currently enrolled in computer science program and am currently in 6th
semester. I am comfortable using c++,java,python in general. I know this is
a little late for proposing an idea but i was busy in exams. Besides i
wanted to get into something where i was determined to contribute to the
society. It took a little while but i found this ultimately. I think i have
a good idea for a project that might further facilitate the use of python.
My experience with python suggests that python is one the best all rounders
in market. Its a good and easy head start for newbies and a powerful tool
in good hands.

Although i haven't used any IDE for  python but i have serious complaints
against lack of good code editors and python ides in general. I was
suggested to use atom from my friends but i preferred rolling back to plain
text editor for the trouble it cost me to shift to atom. Not degrading atom
or python ides but lack of popularity of any pyhton ide (at least best to
my knowledge) suggests a need for improvement in current ides.
I am aware of the default IDE (IDLE) which ships with the default python
package but I find it unsatisfactory in terms of debugging, aesthetics and
usability etc. The main idea is to improve it or rebase it from the grounds
up, and making it capable enough to ship with the python package.
   (PS. i would love to develop a new IDE of my own even if that is besides
GSoc )
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