[Python-ideas] Smoothing transition: 'unicode' and 'basestring' as aliases for 'str'?

Mike Müller mmueller at python-academy.de
Mon Mar 6 06:01:33 EST 2017

Am 06.03.17 um 11:12 schrieb Thomas Güttler:
> yes, you are right. It's better to leave Python3 clean (without "basestring").
> I see two ways now.
> six
> ----
>     six.string_types  # replacement for basestring
>     Source
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/python3/#string-handling-with-six
> future
> ------
>     from past.builtins import basestring   # pip install future
>     Source http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html#basestring
> I have no clue which one I should use.

I would recommend future. It gives you a Python-3-like experience in Python 2.
Once you fully transition to Python 3, you only need to remove the future
imports and you don't have any dependency on it any more.

For example:

    from builtins import bytes, str

gives you Python 3 bytes and strings in Python 2. Now, you can replace
basestring with str and it works the same in Python 2 and 3.
Maybe this works for you.

I am pretty happy with future.


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