[Python-ideas] get() method for list and tuples

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Thu Mar 2 07:58:36 EST 2017

On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 02:56:44AM +0100, Michel Desmoulin wrote:

> > first_item = (alist[0:1] or ["ham"])[0]
> Come on, I've been doing Python for more than a decade and never saw
> anybody doing that. Even reading it in a code would make me scratch my
> head for a moment with a "what is it doing that for?".

These days, it might be better to write it as:

first_item = alist[0] if len(alist) else "ham"

but I remember the days when slicing was normal and using the `or` trick 
was standard operating procedure.

> You are trying to hard to provide a counter argument here.

In context, all I'm saying is that you don't *have* to catch IndexError. 
There are alternatives. That is all.

> Me, I have to deal SOAP government systems, mongodb based API built by
> teenagers, geographer data set exports and FTP + CSV in marina systems
> (which I happen to work on right now).
> 3rd party CSV, XML and JSON processing are just a hundred of lines of
> try/except on indexing because they have many listings, data positions
> is important and a lot of system got it wrong, giving you inconsistent
> output with missing data and terrible labeling.

This is all very well and good, and I feel your pain for having to deal 
with garbage data, but I don't see how this helps you. You talk about 
missing data, but lists cannot contain missing data from the middle. 
There's no such thing as a list like:

[0, 1, 2, 3, , , , , , , 10, 11, 12]

where alist[3] and alist[10] will succeed but alist[4] etc will raise 
IndexError. So I'm still trying to understand what this proposal gets 
you that wouldn't be better solved using (say) itertools.zip_longest or 
a pre-processing step to clean up your data.

> And because life is unfair, the data you can extract is often a mix of
> heterogeneous mappings and lists / tuples. And your tool must manage the
> various versions of the data format they send to you, some with
> additional fields, or missing ones. Some named, other found by position.

Maybe I'm underestimating just how awful your data is, but I'm having 
difficulty thinking of a scenario where you don't know what kind of 
object you are processing and have to write completely type-agnostic 

    for key_or_index in sequence_of_keys_or_indexes:
        result = sequence_or_mapping[key_or_index]

I'm sure that there is lots of code where you iterate over dicts:

    for key in keys:
        result = mapping.get(key, default)

and likewise code where you process lists:

    for i in indexes:
            result = sequence[i]
        except IndexError:
            result = default

    # could be re-written using a helper function:
    for i in indexes:
        result = get(sequence, i default)

but I've never come across a data-processing situation where I didn't 
know which was which.

That second version with the helper function would be *marginally* nicer 
written as a method call. I grant you that!

> This summer, I had to convert a data set provided by polls in africa
> through an android form, generated from an XML schema, send as json
> using Ajax, then stored in mongodb... to an excel spread sheet (and also
> an HTML table and some JS graphs for good measure).
> Needingless to say I dealt with a looooot of IndexError. Grepping the
> project gives me:
> grep -R IndexError | wc -l
> 33
> In contrast I have 32 KeyError (most of them to allow lazy default
> value), and 3 decorators.

So 33 is "a looooot", but 32 KeyErrors is "in contrast" and presumably a 

> Apparently IndexError is an important error because if I grep the
> virtualenv of the project:
> grep -R IndexError | wc -l
> 733
> Ok, it's a pretty large project with 154 dependancies, but it's still
> almost 7 IndexError by package on average. So it's not a rare use case.

You don't know that every one of those can be replaced by list.get(). 
Some of them might be raising IndexError; some of them may be 
documenting that a function or method raises IndexError; etc.

> I also see it regularly in my classes. Students try it because they
> learned it works with dict. It makes sense.

I never said it didn't. But I wonder whether it gives *enough* benefit 
to be worth while.


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