[Python-ideas] Python 4: Concatenation

Soni L. fakedme+py at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 19:33:12 EDT 2017

Step 1. get rid of + for strings, lists, etc. (string/list concatenation 
is not addition)

Step 2. add concatenation operator for strings, lists, and basically 
anything that can be iterated. effectively an overloadable 
itertools.chain. (list cat list = new list, not iterator, but 
effectively makes itertools.chain useless.)

Step 3. add decimal concatenation operator for numbers: 2 cat 3 == 23, 
22 cat 33 = 2233, etc. if you need bitwise concatenation, you're already 
in bitwise "hack" land so do it yourself. (no idea why bitwise is 
considered hacky as I use it all the time, but oh well)

Step 4. make it into python 4, since it breaks backwards compatibility.

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