[Python-ideas] Reducing collisions in small dicts/sets

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 15:09:35 EDT 2017

[MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com>]
> If the current scheme suffers only for small tables, couldn't you use an
> alternative scheme only for small tables?

Sure.  But whether that's desirable partly depends on timing actual C
code.  Try it ;-)  For maintenance sanity, it's obviously better to
have only one scheme to wrestle with.

Note that "may visit a slot more than once" isn't the only thing in
play, just one of the seemingly important things.  For example, the
current scheme requires 3 adds, 2 shifts, and a mask on each loop
iteration (or 1 add and 1 shift of those could be replaced by 1
multiplication).  The double-hashing schemes only require 1 add and 1
mask per iteration.

In cases of collision, that difference is probably swamped by waiting
for cache misses.  But, as I said in the first msg:

This is a brain dump for someone who's willing to endure the
interminable pain of arguing about
benchmarks ;-)

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