[Python-ideas] Add an UML class diagram to the collections.abc module documentation

Stephan Houben stephanh42 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 15:24:46 EST 2017

Hi Yahya,

I like the full.png diagram, however, I see some issues with it.

Most seriously, the methods it lists don't match the documentation.

E.g. if you check MappingView:


you see it has only a __len__ mixin method.
The other methods in the diagram are implementation details
and should be removed.

Some presentation points (all IMHO of course):
* Get rid of the empty boxes.
* Get rid of the trailing (). Since all methods have this, it adds no info.
* There is no visual distinction between the abstract methods
  and the mixin methods. I'd suggest making the abstract methods italic
  or something like that.


2017-12-30 17:11 GMT+01:00 Yahya Abou 'Imran via Python-ideas <
python-ideas at python.org>:

> We can find very usefull class diagramm to understand the hierarchy of the
> builtin Collection abstract class and interface in java.
> Some examples:
> http://www.falkhausen.de/Java-8/java.util/Collection-Hierarchy-simple.html
> http://www.falkhausen.de/Java-8/java.util/Collection-List.html
> But when I search about python's ABC, The more detailed I can find are
> those from the book of Luciano Ramalho Fluent Python:
> https://goo.gl/images/8JGjvM
> https://goo.gl/images/6xZqcA
> (I think they're done with pyreverse of pylint)
> They are fine, but I think we could provide some other more detailed in
> this page:
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/collections.abc.html
> The table could be difficult to understand, a diagram help visualize
> things.
> I've began working on it with plantuml and pyreverse, I'm joining to this
> mail what I've done so far so you can tell me what you think.
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