[Python-ideas] Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: unpacking generalisations for list comprehension

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Thu Oct 20 14:21:03 EDT 2016

On 18.10.2016 08:23, Greg Ewing wrote:
> If it were a namedtuple, for example, you could write
>   [*t for t in fulltext_tuples if t.language == 'english']
> or
>   [x for t in fulltext_tuples if t.language == 'english' for x in t]
> The latter is a bit unsatisfying, because we are having to
> make up an arbitrary name 'x' to stand for an element of t.
> Even though the two elements of t have quite different roles,
> we can't use names that reflect those roles.

It's an intriguing idea to use namedtuples but in this case one should 
not over-engineer.

What I dislike most are the names of "fulltext_tuple", "x", "t". If I 
were to use it, I think my coworkers would tar and feather me. ;) This 
is one of the cases where it makes absolutely no sense to invent 
artificial names for the sake of naming. I can name a lot of (internal) 
examples where we tried really hard at inventing named concepts which 
make absolutely no sense half a year later even to those who invented 
them. Repeatedly, in the same part of the code.

Each newly named concept introduces another indirection. Thus, we always 
need to find a middle ground between naming and using language features, 
so I (personally) would be grateful for this particular feature. :)

> Because of that, to my eyes the version with * makes it easier
> to see what is going on.

That's a very nice phrase: "makes it easier to see what is going on". I 
need to remember that.


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