[Python-ideas] Thoughts on lambda expressions

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 18:03:45 EST 2016

On 2 March 2016 at 22:46, Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> wrote:
>> a) In the vast majority of use cases for lambda expressions the call
>> signature can be easily inferred (like in a key function), so moving it
>> after the expression tends to be more readable.
> And what does it look like when you have more than one paramater in the
> signature and/or something beside simple attribute lookup?
>   'open': lambda s, cr, uid, rec, ctx: rec['state'] == 'draft',
> would instead be:
>   'open': rec['state'] == 'draft' from (s, cr, uid, rec, ctx),
> Ouch.  That just went from bad to horrid.

I actually find the second case more readable, because the expression
comes first.

Having said that, I don't particularly like the proposal, but it's not
really on grounds of readability. Or, for that matter, because it
looks like a generator.

My problem with the proposal is mainly that trying to cram too much
into one expression is nearly always a mistake in Python. The language
isn't expression-based and long, over-complex expressions are hard to
work with and reason about. Splitting things up into smaller named
subexpressions, or using conditional statements and loops rather than
conditional expressions and comprehensions, nearly always makes things
more readable (unless, like me, you're really bad at naming and end up
with bits called e1, e2, e3... :-)) So a "nicer syntax for lambda"
isn't really that helpful - we have one already, it's called "def" :-)

For background, I've been working recently with a library that focuses
strongly on providing a language for building complex expressions. The
functionality is really powerful, but oh, boy, it's a struggle to
express my intention in a single expression.

So the basic problem for me is that the proposal doesn't offer huge
benefits, and it's solving a problem that people should probably try
to avoid in the first place.


PS For the record, I dislike the lambda syntax intensely - the odd
keyword, the fact that "lambda" is sometimes almost as long as than
the expression I'm using, the use of the mid-line colon which is hard
to spot, ... So in principle I'm inclined to support "improvement"

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