[Python-ideas] Quick idea: defining variables from functions that take the variable name

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Jun 7 14:29:15 EDT 2016

On 07.06.2016 01:20, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 4:14 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
>> On Jun 07, 2016, at 12:53 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>> This would work as well and indeed reads better, but you'd need
>>> to have the compiler generate:
>>>      x = obj
>>>      recordbinding(obj, 'x', 2)
>>> ie. pass in the object, the bound name and the line number
>>> and recordbinding would then have to decide what to do with the
>>> parameters.
>> +1 although I'd bikeshed on the order of the arguments.


>>> I used the method variant, because a very common use case
>>> is to let the object know about the name under which it is
>>> now known to Python. This can be used to eg. define records,
>>> forms, mappings, etc.
>> Yep.  So given the above, `recordbinding(obj, 'x', 2)` would of course be
>> free
>> to delegate to `obj.recordbinding('x', 2)`, but it would be up to the
>> decorator (and its author), not the compiler to do that delegation.

Right, your approach is more generic.

>>> I just wonder how we could tell the compiler to special
>>> case this decorator in a clean way.
>> That's the rub, but I do think you're on to a good general solution to a
>> common set of problems.
> I think we're on to something here. Maybe. Perhaps.

One approach would be to define what a decorator means in front
of an expression (since that's currently a SyntaxError), without
adding any new syntactic sugar. Here's a sketch...

x = obj

compiles to:

x = obj
decorator('x', obj, lineno)

(I'm using obj in the calls to decorator here - those would not
be new lookups, but instead work using DUP_TOP in the byte

Things get a bit tricky when you use tuples on the left hand

a, b, c = obj

compiles to:

a, b, c = obj
decorator('a, b, c', obj, lineno)

Not sure whether this would be useful. Perhaps it's better not
to allow for such a use.

Same problem for star assignments:

a, *b, c = obj

Multiple assignments would work, though:

a = b = c = obj

compiles to:

a = b = c = obj
decorator('a', obj, lineno)
decorator('b', obj, lineno)
decorator('c', obj, lineno)

Augmented assigns are tricky, but would work as well:

a += obj

compiles to:

a += obj
decorator('a', value, lineno)

(here value stands for the result of the += operation; in
byte code this would be a DUP_TOP before the STORE_FAST to 'a')

More complex right hand sides should not pose a problem,
since it's clear that only the result matters (which is pushed
to the stack and can be DUP_TOPed as necessary).

Looking at https://docs.python.org/3/reference/grammar.html, I think
those are all cases to consider, unless I missed one.

The grammar would need to be extended with:

decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef | async_funcdef | assign_expr)

assign_expr: NAME (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) |
                   ('=' (yield_expr|assign_expr))*)

The above disallows testlist or star assignments.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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