[Python-ideas] Exposing regular expression bytecode

Jelle Zijlstra jelle.zijlstra at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 03:36:42 EDT 2016

2016-02-19 11:42 GMT-08:00 Jonathan Goble <jcgoble3 at gmail.com>:

> FWIW, I've decided to shelve this idea for the time being, at least,
> as I've had some things come up unexpectedly that are going to eat
> into my available time for the foreseeable future, so I no longer have
> time to pursue this myself. (Suffice it to say that Real Life always
> has crappy timing. :-P)
> Maybe I'll have time to resurrect it in the future; in the meantime,
> the issue on the bug tracker remains open in the event someone gets
> bored and decides to take a crack at it.
I found the bugtracker issue during the PyCon sprints and decided to
implement the feature: http://bugs.python.org/issue26336.

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