[Python-ideas] A bit meta

Stefan Krah skrah.temporarily at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 17:03:59 EST 2016

Nicholas Chammas <nicholas.chammas at ...> writes:
> I can attest to this personally, and I’ll also offer this conjecture:
> I don’t think older generations of developers are intrinsically any more
tolerant of bad UX than the younger generations are. They hate bad UX too,
and they had to figure out their own solutions to make things better — their
email filters, their clients, their homegrown scripts, etc. — when nothing
better was available, and eventually settled into a flow that worked for them.

You are really getting on a soapbox here while having no clue at all
about basic mailing list etiquette like

  a) not top posting

  b) not full quoting the entire thread

  c) properly quoting your predecessors.

I guess we'll see more of that once the move to discourse has

Stefan Krah

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