[Python-ideas] A bit meta

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Fri Jan 29 03:03:50 EST 2016

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 09:55:42PM -0600, Michael Selik wrote:

> One defect of a mailing list is the difficulty of viewing a weighted 
> average of opinions. The benefit is that anyone can voice an opinion. 
> This is more like the Senate than the House -- Rhode Island appears 
> (on paper) to have as much influence as California. Luckily, we have a 
> form of President. I'm guessing a House occurs in a more private mode 
> of communication?

The Python community is not a democracy. Voting +1, -1 etc. should not 
be interpreted as *actual* votes that need to counted and averaged, but 
as personal opinions intended to give other members of the community an 
idea of whether or not you would like to see a proposed feature.


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