[Python-ideas] Explicit variable capture list

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 03:48:21 EST 2016


Sorry but I'm lost in this long thread. Do you want to extend the
Python language to declare constant in a function? Maybe I'm completly
off-topic, sorry.

2016-01-21 1:10 GMT+01:00 Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>:
> (2) If we limit this to only capturing the same name, then we can only
> write (say) "static x", and that does look like a declaration. But maybe
> we want to allow the local name to differ from the global name:
>     static x = y

3 months ago, Serhiy Storchaka proposed a "const var = expr" syntax:

With a shortcut "const len" which is like "const len = len".

In the meanwhile, I implemented an optimization in my FAT Python
project: "Copy builtins to constant". It's quite simple: replace the
"LOAD_GLOBAL builtin" instruction with a "LOAD_CONST builtin"
transation and "patch" co_consts constants of a code object at

   def hello(): print("hello world")

is replaced with:

   def hello(): "LOAD_GLOBAL print"("hello world")
   hello.__code__ = fat.replace_consts(hello.__code__, {'LOAD_GLOBAL
print': print})

Where fat.replace_consts() is an helper to create a new code object
replacing constants with the specified mapping:

Replacing print(...) with "LOAD_GLOBAL"(...) is done in the
fatoptimizer (an AST optimpizer):

We have to inject the builtin function at runtime. It cannot be done
when the code object is created by "def ..." because a code object can
only contain objects serializable by marshal (to be able to compile a
.py file to a .pyc file).

> I acknowledge that this goes beyond what the OP asked for, and I think
> that YAGNI is a reasonable response to the static block idea. I'm not
> going to champion it any further unless there's a bunch of interest from
> others. (I'm saving my energy for Eiffel-like require/ensure blocks
> *wink*).

The difference between "def hello(print=print): ..." and Serhiy's
const idea (or my optimization) is that "def hello(print=print): ..."
changes the signature of the function which can be a serious issue in
an API.

Note: The other optimization "local_print = print" in the function is
only useful for loops (when the builtin is loaded multiple times) and
it still loads the builtin once per function call, whereas my
optimization uses a constant and so no lookup is required anymore.

Then guards are used to disable the optimization if builtins are
modified. See the PEP 510 for an explanation on that part.


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