[Python-ideas] Proposal to extend PEP 484 (gradual typing) to support Python 2.7

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 20 12:42:05 EST 2016

On Jan 20, 2016, at 06:27, Agustín Herranz Cecilia <agustin.herranz at gmail.com> wrote:
> - GVR proposal includes some kind of syntactic sugar for function type comments (" # type: (t_arg1, t_arg2) -> t_ret "). I think it's good but this must be an alternative over typing module syntax (PEP484), not the preferred way (for people get used to typehints). Is this syntactic sugar compatible with generators? The type analyzers could be differentiate between a Callable and a Generator?

I'm pretty sure Generator is not the type of a generator function, bit of a generator object. So to type a generator function, you just write `(int, int) -> Generator[int]`. Or, the long way, `Function[[int, int], Generator[int]]`.

(Of course you can use Callable instead of the more specific Function, or Iterator (or even Iterable) instead of the more specific Generator, if you want to be free to change the implementation to use an iterator class or something later, but normally you'd want the most specific type, I think.)
> - As this is intended to gradual type python2 code to port it to python 3 I think it's convenient to add some sort of import that only be used for type checking, and be only imported by the type analyzer, not the runtime. This could be achieve by prepending "#type: " to the normal import statement, something like:
>    # type: import module
>    # type: from package import module

That sounds like a bad idea. If the typing module shadows some global, you won't get any errors, but your code will be misleading to a reader (and even worse if you from package.module import t). If the cost of the import is too high for Python 2, surely it's also too high for Python 3. And what other reason do you have for skipping it?

> - Also there must be addressed how it work on a python2 to python3 environment as there are types with the same name, str for example, that works differently on each python version. If the code is for only one version uses the type names of that version.

That's the same problem that exists at runtime, and people (and tools) already know how to deal with it: use bytes when you mean bytes, unicode when you mean unicode, and str when you mean whatever is "native" to the version you're running under and are willing to deal with it. So now you just have to do the same thing in type hints that you're already doing in constructors, isinstance checks, etc.

Of course many people use libraries like six to help them deal with this, which means that those libraries have to be type-hinted appropriately for both versions (maybe using different stubs for py2 and py3, with the right one selected at pip install time?), but if that's taken care of, user code should just work.

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