[Python-ideas] PEP 511: API for code transformers

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Sat Jan 16 12:00:39 EST 2016

On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Sjoerd Job Postmus <sjoerdjob at sjec.nl>

> >
> > or making it easier to write an import hook with them, etc...
> So, you'd have to supply the transformer used before importing? That
> seems like a troublesome solution to me.
> A better approach (to me) would require being able to document what
> transformers need to be run inside the module itself. Something like
>     #:Transformers modname.TransformerClassName,
> modname.OtherTransformerClassName
> The reason why I would prefer this, is that it makes sense to document
> the transformers needed in the module itself, instead of in the code
> importing the module.

+1 for this (but see below).  This is the approach I used when playing with
import hooks as shown in


and a few other posts I wrote about similar transformations.

> As you suggest (and rightly so) to localize the effects of the
> registration, it makes sense to do the registration in the affected
> module.
> Of course there might be some cases where you want to import a module
> using a transformer it does not need to know about, but I think that
> would be less likely than the case where a module knows what
> transformers there should be applied.
> As an added bonus, it would let you apply transformers to the
> entry-point:
>     #!/usr/bin/env python
>     #:Transformers foo.BarTransformerMyCodeCanNotRunWithout
> But as you said, this support is probably outside the scope of the PEP
> anyway.

While I would like to see some standard way to apply code transformations,
I agree that this is likely (and unfortunately) outside the scope of this

 André Roberge

> Kind regards,
> Sjoerd Job
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