[Python-ideas] How the heck does async/await work in Python 3.5

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Tue Feb 23 16:05:16 EST 2016

On 20.02.2016 07:53, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
> If you have difficulties wit hthe overall concept, and if you are open 
> to discussions in another language, take a look at this video:
> https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/C9-GoingNative/GoingNative-39-await-co-routines 
> MS has added coroutine support with very similar syntax to VC++ 
> recently, and the developer tries to explain it to the "stackful" 
> programmers.

Because of this thread, I finally finished an older post collecting 
valuable insights from last year discussions regarding concurrency 
modules available in Python: 
http://srkunze.blogspot.com/2016/02/concurrency-in-python.html It 
appears to me that it would fit here well.

Back then, the old thread ("Concurrency Modules") was like basically 
meant to result in something useful. I hope the post covers the essence 
of the discussion.
Some even suggested putting the table into the Python docs. I am unaware 
of the formal procedure here but I would be glad if somebody could point 
be at the right direction if that the survey table is wanted in the docs.

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