[Python-ideas] Compact repr operator (i.e., __short_repr__)

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 9 05:13:22 EST 2016

On Feb 9, 2016, at 00:56, Cory Benfield <cory at lukasa.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 9 Feb 2016, at 02:49, Mahmoud Hashemi <mahmoud at hatnote.com> wrote:
>> Roundtrippable reprs are certainly part of Python canon, whether or not they are universally used (Chris), or guaranteed (Mike).
> They can be part of the canon all they want, but if they’re not universally guaranteed then I don’t know that this is a real problem. It means that the world of Python objects divides into two kinds: first, those with __repr__ return values that can be round tripped and those with __repr__ return values that cannot be round tripped.


One use of round-trippable reprs is to copy them from output and paste them into source code or an interactive session. When doing so, you almost always know that you're dealing with a builtin or third-party type that's round-trippable--and, when you're surprised, it's almost always obvious, because you get something that looks nothing at all like the source equivalent, and that raises a SyntaxError if you try to evaluate it anyway.

And even those "almost"s aren't a problem in practice. Sure, a list that recursively contains itself looks misleadingly round-trippable, and will evaluate successfully into the wrong thing. But this rarely comes up in practice--and, if it does, because there's a human being inspecting, debugging, or playing with things, rather than a program, it's easy to deal with.

This isn't theoretical--I do this all the time when debugging code, I write my own types to make them easier to debug this way, and it saves me time and hassle. In fact, it's one of the benefits of using Python over some of the other languages I use, where repr or toDebugString or whatever is never useful, instead of being usually useful especially with common types.

The only thing the non-universality of round-tripping means is that you can't use repr with eval as a persistence format. Which is a good thing--you *shouldn't* use it as a persistence format, and that would be true even if it did work. But using it as an inspecting/debugging format is not a problem, and breaking that would be a bad idea.

In fact, breaking it would make repr nearly pointless. Except for a types that define __repr__ but block __str__ with a TypeError (which is rare, and it's debatable whether those types are even valid), when would you ever use repr otherwise?

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