[Python-ideas] A bit meta

Rustom Mody rustompmody at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 08:22:11 EST 2016

On Monday, February 1, 2016 at 11:38:51 AM UTC+5:30, Andrew Barnert via 
Python-ideas wrote:
> On Jan 31, 2016, at 13:53, Nicholas Chammas <nicholas... at gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> I don’t think older generations of developers are intrinsically any more 
> tolerant of bad UX than the younger generations are. They hate bad UX too, 
> and they had to figure out their own solutions to make things better — 
> their email filters, their clients, their homegrown scripts, etc. — when 
> nothing better was available, and eventually settled into a flow that 
> worked for them.
> And, from a later message:
> I *have* been arguing that a modern web-based forum solves common 
> discussion issues in a way that mailing lists cannot match. 
> A modern forum can definitely be much better out-of-the-box than a mailing 
> list and traditional mail tools. But a suite of mail tools configured over 
> many years for one user's idiosyncratic needs can outdo anything 
> general-purpose. And that's not even considering the fact that the oldster 
> has adapted to his mail tools, just as much as he's adapted them to his 
> needs, and would have to adapt again to anything new.
> Compare the case with text editors. For me, Emacs is much better than some 
> new editor like Atom. But for a novice, I'd definitely suggest Atom over 
> Emacs (even Aquamacs). The difference here is that I can use Emacs while 
> you use Atom, and we won't even notice we're using different tools; if I 
> want to use email while you use Discourse, it seems unavoidable that one of 
> us is going to be participating as a second-class citizen. You're 
> effectively forcing me (and, more importantly, some core devs) to change.
[Since you mentioned emacs...]
Things can get bitrotten and worse simply by passage of time
Here's my mail to emacs list about python mode(s) that seems to be getting 
brokener and brokener by the day
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