[Python-ideas] From mailing list to GitHub issues

C Anthony Risinger anthony at xtfx.me
Sun Aug 14 12:21:47 EDT 2016

On Aug 14, 2016 5:18 AM, "Oleg Broytman" <phd at phdru.name> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 03:57:44AM -0500, C Anthony Risinger <
anthony at xtfx.me> wrote:
> > Mobile dominates my non-work net-time today. I don't want to get out a
> > laptop to respond pretty.
>    In what ways are you going to contribute without getting out to your
> laptop?

I meant it's more difficult to respond "properly" in interleaved style
(like I am now, despite mobile) from the devices I'm on 95% of my list
reading time. Unless I've crafted something gorgeous I still tend to feel a
reservation to share.

> > Email is almost by design static and unable to change. Text. Walls of
>    We are talking about Python development, and the development is
> performed with texts. Python is written in C, Python code is written...
> well, in Python, documentation is written in reStructuredText. So
> discussions about all of this is, naturally, textual.

Sure sure, but text is messy. Every message looks half-broken due to forced
formatting (mixed HTML/plaintext and massive fluctuations in typography),
wrapping (in portrait mode almost every message is very jagged due to
inserted newlines by some MUA) and folding (when people switch quote styles
proper folding by my MUA is hard, only top posting is free of this).

I'm not sure X is better than straight email per se, but I am interested in
moving the status quo forward and would try alternatives.
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