[Python-ideas] Have REPL print less by default

Franklin? Lee leewangzhong+python at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 05:36:14 EDT 2016

On Apr 19, 2016 4:09 AM, "Paul Moore" <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19 April 2016 at 05:52, Franklin? Lee <leewangzhong+python at gmail.com>
> >> How about:  the default REPL is a basic tool, and the limitations of
> >> tools are what drive folks to seek out advanced tools. ?
> >
> > The REPL is a basic tool for basic users, which is why it should "Do
> > the right thing" for people who wouldn't know better. I'm asking
> > whether this is the "right thing" for those basic users: Advanced
> > users are the ones who can use more than basic info.
> >
> Basic users should probably be using a tool like IDLE, which has a bit
> more support for beginners than the raw REPL.

You say "should"? Do you mean that it is likely, or do you mean that it is
what would happen in an ideal world? My college had CS students SSH into
the department's Linux server to compile and run their code, and many
teachers don't believe that students should start with fancy IDE featues
like, er, syntax highlighting.

You (and most regulars on this list) can adjust your shell to the way you
like it, or use a more sophisticated shell, like IPython or bpython. On the
other hand, changing shells and adding display hooks to site.py is not an
option for those who don't know it's an option.

> I view the REPL as more
> important for intermediate or advanced users who want to quickly test
> out an idea (at least, that's *my* usage of the REPL).

But that doesn't answer my question: would the proposed change hurt your
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