[Python-ideas] One way to do format and print

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Wed Sep 9 20:50:44 CEST 2015

Fair enough.

On 09.09.2015 18:35, Stefan Krah wrote:
> Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at ...> writes:
>> I still don't understand what's wrong with deprecating %, but okay. I
>> think f-strings will push {} to wide-range adoption.
> Then it will probably be hard to explain, so I'll be direct:
>    1) Many Python users are fed up with churn and don't want to do yet
>       another rewrite of their applications (just after migrating to
>       3.x).
>    2) Despite many years of officially preferring {}-formatting in
>       the docs (and on Stackoverflow), people *still* use %-formatting.
>       This should be a clue that they actually like it.
>    3) %-formatting often has better performance and is often
>       easier to read.
>    4) Yes, in other cases {}-formatting is easier to read. So choose
>       whatever is best.
> Stefan Krah
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