[Python-ideas] Add specialized bytecode with guards to functions

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Wed Oct 21 18:20:02 CEST 2015

 I haven't tried the prototype yet, but I wonder if this mightn't be a
useful addition to an existing optimizing Python system, e.g. PyPy or (plug
:-) Pyston?

On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 8:43 AM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I would like to share with you an idea to try to optimize CPython.
> My previous attempts to optimize CPython failed because they changed the
> language semantic. For example, it's not possible to replace len('abc')
> with 3 because it is technically possible to override the builtin len()
> function.
> I propose to add a new "FAT" mode to Python to allow to add specialized
> bytecode to function with guards. Example:
>     >>> import builtins
>     >>> def f(): return len("abc")
>     ...
>     >>> f()
>     3
>     >>> def g(): return 3
>     ...
>     >>> i=f.add(g)   # i is the index of the new specialized bytecode
>     >>> f.add_dict_key_guard(i, builtins.__dict__, 'len')
>     >>> f()
>     3
>     >>> builtins.len = lambda obj: "len"
>     >>> f()
>     'len'
> In this example, the f() function gets a fast version (g()) returning
> directly 3 instead of calling len("abc"). The optimization is disabled
> when the builtin len() function is modified (when
> builtins.__dict__['len'] is modified). (The example is not complete, we
> need a second guard on the current global namespace, but I wanted to
> write a short example.)
> With such machinery, it becomes possible to implement interesting
> optimizations. Some examples:
> * inline a function instead of calling it: calling a Python function is
>   "expensive". For example, if you inline the _get_sep() call in
>   posixpath.isabs(), the function becomes 20% faster.
> * move invariant out of the loop: classic micro-optimization done
>   manually. For example, set "append = obj.append" before the loop and
>   then call "append(item)" instead of "obj.append(item)" in the loop
>   body. On a microbenchmark, it's between 5% (1 item) and 30% faster (10
>   items or more)
> * call pure functions at the compilation. A pure function has no side
>   effect. Example: len(str).
> Technical Challenges
> ====================
> The problem is the cost of "guards". A guard is a check done before
> calling a specialized function. Example of guards:
> * Type of a function parameter
> * Watch a dictionary key
> * Watch a function (especially it's __code__ attribute)
> Watching a dictionary key is a very important guard to disable an
> optimization when a builtin function is modified, when a function is
> replaced in a namespace, etc. The problem is that a dictionary lookup is
> not cheap: we have to get the hash value of the key, browse the hash
> table to find the bucket which may require multiple iterations, then we
> have to compare the key value, etc.
> To have faster guard, I propose to create a subtype of dict which
> provides a global "version" of the dictionary, incremented at each
> modification (create a new key, modify a key, delete a key) and a
> "version" per key=>value mapping, incremented each time
> that the mapping is modified. The lookup can be avoided when the
> dictionary is not modified. If a different key is modified, we need a
> lookup, but only once (we store the new global version to avoid a lookup
> at the next guard check).
> Limitations
> ===========
> Specialized bytecode is build at compilation, *not* at runtime: it's not a
> just-in-time (JIT) compiler. A JIT can implement even more efficient
> optimizations and can use better guards. Please continue to use PyPy for
> best performances! ;-)
> The name "FAT" comes from the fact that multiple bytecode versions of a
> function are stored in the memory, so a larger memory footprint
> and larger .pyc files on disk can be expected.
> Checking guards can also be more expensive than the optimization of the
> specialized bytecode. The optimizer should use an heuristic to decide if
> it's worth to use a specialized bytecode or not depending on the theoric
> speeup and the cost of guards.
> My motivation to write FAT Python is that CPython remains the reference
> implementation where new features are implemented, and other Python
> implementations still have issues with C extensions. JIT also has some
> issues, like longer startup time, slow warmup and memory footprint (this
> one may also be an issue of FAT Python!).
> Implementation
> ==============
> I wrote a proof-of-concept of my idea:
>     https://hg.python.org/sandbox/fatpython/
> It's a fork of CPython 3.6. Try it with:
>     hg clone https://hg.python.org/sandbox/fatpython/
>     cd fatpython
>     ./configure && make
>     ./python -F
> See bench.py, Lib/posixpath.py (isabs) and Lib/test/test_fat.py
> for examples of optimizations.
> The command line -F flag enables the FAT mode. By default, *all*
> optimizations are disabled, there is a negligible overhead when the
> FAT mode is not used.
> In the FAT mode, the dictionary for modules, classes and instances
> becomes "versionned". Functions gets new methods to support adding
> specialized bytecode with guards.
> You can add manually a specialized bytecode for microbenchmarks, but
> functions are *not* optimized automatically. (See the Roadmap below.)
> How to write an optimizer?
> ==========================
> Currently, my proof-of-oncept is only the machinery to support adding
> specialized bytecodes with guards. The next step is to generate
> automatically these specialized versions.
> IMHO an optimizer should be implemented in Python and not in C, it's
> easier to write Python code. We can begin with simple optimizations on
> AST. See for example my astoptimizer which implements basic
> optimizations:
>     https://bitbucket.org/haypo/astoptimizer/
> At the beginning, we may use type hints (PEP 484) and other manual
> hints to help the optimizer. Later, a profiler learning the most common
> types of function parameters can be written for automatic optimizations.
> Example of hints: a list of constants which should not be modified in the
> application. A global "DEBUG" flag is common in applications, relying on
> DEBUG=False helps to remove dead code.
> Roadmap
> =======
> * Finish the proof-of-concept: implement new guards, optimize method
>   calls. For example, guards on module imports are required. Checking
>   if a module is the expected mode can be tricky.
> * Write an optimizer based on manual hints
> * Write a profiler to generate hints
> Right now, my main question is if it will be possible and efficient to
> optimize classes, not only simple functions, especially classes defined
> in two different modules. I wrote a proof-of-concept of optimized
> method (with inlining), but I'm not sure yet that it's safe (don't
> change Python semantic).
> For more information on FAT Python, read:
>    https://hg.python.org/sandbox/fatpython/file/tip/FATPYTHON.rst
> So, what do you think? Do you expect real speedup on applications, not
> only on microbechmarks? Do you know similar optimizations in other
> scripting languages?
> Victor Stinner
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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