[Python-ideas] Simpler syntax for basic iterations

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Tue Oct 13 22:35:25 CEST 2015

On 13.10.2015 22:21, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 13/10/2015 18:59, Sven R. Kunze wrote:
>> I still like instead of the cryptic __ or _
>> for each in range(3):
>>      dosomething
>> To me, that reads like a normal English statement.
>> Best,
>> Sven
> No thanks.  The current situation has suited the Python community for 
> 25 years give or take, so if it ain't broke, there's no way it's going 
> to get fixed, thank goodness.  Can we move on please?

What exactly do you mean?

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