[Python-ideas] Adding jsonschema to the standard library

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Fri May 22 21:08:47 CEST 2015

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 11:39 AM, Demian Brecht <demianbrecht at gmail.com> wrote:
> First off, thanks all for the well thought out responses! Will try to touch on each point when I get a few spare cycles throughout the day.
>> On May 21, 2015, at 2:15 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The other question to be answered these days is the value bundling
>> offers over "pip install jsonschema" (or a platform specific
>> equivalent). While it's still possible to meet that condition, it's
>> harder now that we offer pip as a standard feature, especially since
>> getting added to the standard library almost universally makes life
>> more difficult for module maintainers if they're not already core
>> developers.
> This is an interesting problem and a question that I’ve had at the back of my mind as well. With the addition of pip, there is really no additional value /to those who already know about the package and what problem it solves/. In my mind, the value of bundling anything nowadays really boils down to “this is the suggested de facto standard of solving problem [X] using Python”. I see two problems with relying on pip and PyPI as an alternative to bundling:

Counter-point: What library is the de facto standard of doing HTTP in
Python? Requests is, of course. Discussion of its inclusion has
happened several times and each time the decision is to not include
it. The most recent such discussion was at the Language Summit at
PyCon 2015 in Montreal. If you want to go by download count, then
Requests should still be in the standard library but it just will not

> 1. PyPI is filled with multiple solutions to the same problem. This can be difficult to wade through for the experienced developer, never mind the novice.

That's not exactly true in every case. The only library that parses
and emits YAML is PyYAML. It's both unmaintained, incomplete, and full
of bugs. That said, it's the de facto standard and it's the only onw
of its kind that I know of on PyPI. I would vehemently argue against
its inclusion were it ever purposed.

> 2. You generally won't know about packages that don’t solve problems you’ve solved or are solving. Early on in my adoption of Python, there were a number of times where I just spent time digging through the standard library and was surprised by the offerings that I didn’t even know were a thing. Likewise with jsonschema, I wouldn’t have known it was a thing had a co-worker not introduced me to it a couple years ago.

Counter-point, once you know you want to use JSON Schema looking for
implementations in python yields Julian's implementation first.

You said (paraphrasing) in your first email that jsonschema should
only be excluded from the stdlib if people could bring up reasons
against it. The standard library has grown in the past few releases
but that doesn't mean it needs to grow every time. It also means it
doesn't need to grow to include an implementation of every possible
/thing/ that exists. Further, leaving it up to others to prove why it
shouldn't be included isn't sufficient. You have to prove to the
community why it MUST be included. Saying "Ah let's throw this thing
in there anyway because why not" isn't valid. By that logic, I could
nominate several libraries that I find useful in day-to-day work and
the barrier to entry would be exactly as much energy as people who
care about the standard library are willing to expend to keep the less
than sultry candidates out.

In this case, that /thing/ is JSON Schema. Last I checked, JSON Schema
was a IETF Draft that was never accepted and a specification which
expired. That means in a couple years, ostensibly after this was added
to the stdlib, it could be made completely irrelevant and the time to
fix it would be incredible. That would be far less of an issue if
jsonschema were not included at all.

Overall, I'm strongly against its inclusion. Not because the library
isn't excellent. It is. I use it. I'm strongly against it for the
reasons listed above.

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