[Python-ideas] Function composition (was no subject)

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat May 9 04:58:35 CEST 2015

Koos Zevenhoven writes:

 > As a random example, (root @ mean @ square)(x) would produce the right 
 > order for rms when using [2].

Hardly interesting. :-)  The result is an exception, as root and square
are conceptually scalar-to-scalar, while mean is sequence-to-scalar.

I suppose you could write (root @ mean @ (map square)) (xs), which
seems to support your argument.  But will all such issues and
solutions give the same support?  This kind of thing is a conceptual
problem that has to be discussed pretty thoroughly (presumably based
on experience with implementations) before discussion of order can be

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