[Python-ideas] Why don't CPython strings implement slicing using a view?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri May 8 09:59:01 CEST 2015

On 08.05.2015 00:09, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> This was a CPython idea after all, so I was assuming a C implementation,
> which means that new flags would have to be added to the string object to
> denote a string slice, etc.
> Like I said in another message: it's not that important to me though.  I
> was just curious as to why CPython was designed so that string slicing is
> linear rather than constant time given that strings are constant.

This was considered very early on in the Unicode type design, but
dropped since the problem with such slices is that you have to keep
a reference to the original string around which keeps this alive,
even if you just use a slice of a few chars from it.

There are some situations where such a slicing mechanism
would be nice to have, but in most of those you can simply
work on the original string using an offset index.

Indeed, working with index tuples into the original string
is often a better strategy.

You can see this used in mxTextTools:


to create high performance text parsing and manipulation

> I'm getting the impression that the payoff is not worth the complexity.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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