[Python-ideas] Add `Executor.filter`

Ram Rachum ram at rachum.com
Fri May 1 10:12:19 CEST 2015


What do you think about adding a method: `Executor.filter`?

I was using something like this:

my_things = [thing for thing in things if some_condition(thing)]

But the problem was that `some_condition` took a long time to run waiting
on I/O, which is a great candidate for parallelizing with
ThreadPoolExecutor. I made it work using `Executor.map` and some
improvizing, but it would be nicer if I could do:

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(100) as executor:
    my_things = executor.filter(some_condition, things)

And have the condition run in parallel on all the threads.

What do you think?

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