[Python-ideas] History on proposals for Macros?

Matthew Rocklin mrocklin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 07:09:58 CEST 2015

The !(x + y) solution would release some pressure.  People have considered
using lambda: to delay execution in Pandas queries.  The result is a bit


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Matthew Rocklin <mrocklin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is something stopping you from exploring this? Do you have specific ideas
>> on how to improve on macropy?
> Macropy is great but it requires an import-hook.  Many scientific users
> work interactively.
>> It sounds almost as if you would like to implement this but you want some
>> kind of promise ahead of time that your work will be incorporated into the
>> language. But that's just not how it works. When you want to explore a big
>> idea like this, at some point you have to be willing to take the risk of
>> writing code without a guaranteed pay off. Haoyi didn't ask for macropy to
>> be incorporated into Python -- in fact he was surprised at the amount of
>> uptake it got.
> The hard problem isn't building macros, it's deciding whether or not
> macros are good for Python.  I'm trying to start a discussion.  If this
> isn't the right place for that then I apologize.
>> You've received quite a bit of feedback (and, may I say, push back :-)
>> from a small number of python-ideas veterans -- you can take this or leave
>> it, but at this point I think you've gotten about as much mileage out of
>> the list as can be expected.
> My apologies.  I didn't realize that I was misusing this list.  I also
> didn't realize that I was receiving push-back, the comments here seemed
> friendly and encouraging.
> Last year at SciPy the message I heard was "If you want to convince the
> core team then come to python-ideas armed with motivating use cases."  Here
> I am :)
> Anyway, if there isn't any interest then I'll leave off.  Thank you all
> for your time,
> -Matt
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