[Python-ideas] Implementation of adding dicts

julien tayon julien at tayon.net
Wed Mar 11 13:28:49 CET 2015


Just in case I have to implementation of dict/sub/mult/div for dict.

I have chosen only one rule: + - / * should behave with the least surprise
principle which is so far linear algebrae when dealing with stuff that
looks like mathematics

Implementation 2 (trying trait and mixin)
Implementation 1 (experimenting weired stuff with dict (like addition and
transforming dict with dict in a «matrix like» fashion)

And the linear algebrae test:
And the results

I just noticed the dicussion, I have been using the + - / * for
aggregations for 2 years now and it is really helpful. I can give any

I also had to overload + - for Sets ^^ and I have the cosine similarities
that works nicely out of the box with my definition
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