[Python-ideas] Python Float Update

u8y7541 The Awesome Person surya.subbarao1 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 04:25:46 CEST 2015

Dear Python Developers:

I will be presenting a modification to the float class, which will improve
its speed and accuracy (reduce floating point errors). This is applicable
because Python uses a numerator and denominator rather than a sign and
mantissa to represent floats.

First, I propose that a float's integer ratio should be accurate. For
example, (1 / 3).as_integer_ratio() should return (1, 3). Instead, it
returns(6004799503160661, 18014398509481984).

Second of all, even though 1 * 3 = 3 (last example), 6004799503160661 * 3
does not equal 18014398509481984. Instead, it equals 1801439850948198**3**,
one less than the value in the ratio. This means the ratio is inaccurate,
as well as completely not simplified.

[image: Inline image 1]

Even if the value displayed for a float is a rounded value, the internal
numerator and denominator should divide to equal to completely accurate

Thanks for considering this improvement!

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