[Python-ideas] Should bool continue to inherit from int?

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:27:05 CET 2015

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:32 PM, Michael Mitchell
<epsilonmichael at gmail.com> wrote:
> PEP 285 provides some justification for why arithmetic operations should be
> valid on bools and why bool should inherit from int (see points (4) and (6)
> respectively). Since it's been 12 years (it's possible this has been brought
> up again between now and then), I thought it could be worthwhile to take
> another look.
> I am mostly interested in a resurveying of the questions:
> 1) Would it still be very inconvenient to implement bools separately from
> ints?
> 2) Do most Python users still agree that arithmetic operations should be
> supported on booleans?

We recently had a thread on python-list about this. There are a number
of useful operations that can be done on bools-as-integers (such as
summing them to quickly and efficiently figure out how many are True).
But let me rephrase your question:

"Python's booleans currently support arithmetic operations. Should we
no longer support them?"

Even leaving aside the massive backward compatibility implications
(which would probably mean this kind of removal can't be done until
Python 4.0 or 5.0 or who-knows-when), the philosophical question of
"why should we NOT support something" needs a strongly-justified
answer. Sure, it might make sense to have a non-integer type for the
two special objects True and False; but what would the language gain
by it?

It's quite common for 1 and 0 to *be* the language's True and False
values. REXX has no types, but in a boolean context, any value other
than 1 or 0 triggers an error; C doesn't have a boolean type, and
comparisons return 1 or 0; C++ has a boolean type, but will cheerfully
and silently up-cast it to integer if you do arithmetic on it; Pike
uses 1 and 0 (parallel to C), and allows any object to declare its own
"truthiness" (more-or-less equivalently to Python's __bool__ method).
All of them allow you to write stuff like:

if (((1==1) + (1==0) + (0==0)) == 2)

which will be true (if a little over-parenthesized for some people's
liking). These kinds of constructs allow you to do fuzzy matching
fairly efficiently - imagine the three conditions are three different
search criteria, and instead of simply seeing if the sum is 2, you
sort a large number of results by that sum. The more conditions match,
the greater the sum. Sure, this isn't a *common* requirement, but what
would the language really gain by forcing you to intify with something
like "lambda b: 1 if b else 0"?


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