[Python-ideas] Floating point "closeness" Proposal Outline

Joao S. O. Bueno jsbueno at python.org.br
Wed Jan 21 13:29:43 CET 2015

On 21 January 2015 at 09:59, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 09:27:39AM -0200, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:
>> 1)  Implement a Number class that behaves as a float number, and does
>> the fuzzy comparisons automatically.
> -1 on this.
>> Justificative: in a whole lot of code, having a "casted"
>> FuzzyFloat(mynumber) to be able to be compared to others with "==" and "<="
>> would be much more readable than the Javaesque
>> " if is_close(my_number, other) or my_number < other: "
>> (against:
>>  "if FuzzyFloat(my_number) <= other :"
>> , or simply
>> "if my_number <= other: "
> If that sort of comparison is important, a helper function is easy to
> write. But it really sounds like you want a full interval arithmetic
> class, which is a lot more than just fuzzy comparisons.
> There are two problems with overriding == in this way:
> (1) What do you mean by "is close"? Do you mean that they are within
> 0.0001 or 0.00000001 or within 10000.0? With a binary operator == there
> is no easy way to specify an error tolerance, which means you're stuck
> with using a language-wide default which is very unlikely to be suitable
> for your application. A context manager is one solution, but that's
> still awkward. Think about doing:
>     a == b or x == y
> where the a, b comparison and x, y comparison have different tolerances.

Well - that would be treated by the fuzzyfloat context -just in the same way
contexts are used by decimal.Decimals

And of course, if one happens to be comparing numbers with different tolerances,
the smaller should rule. (Although when comparing with a non-fuzzy,
which has a tolerance
of 0, the fuzzy one should be used or there would be no point in
having it in the first
place.  So, yeah, there is a problem there. Requiring both numbers to be
Fuzzy might be a way out)

> (2) Fuzzy equality means that there are situations where:
>     a == b and b == c
>     but
>     a != c
> The language APL tried to turn this into a feature:
>     The intransitivity of [tolerant] equality is well known in practical
>     situations and can be easily demonstrated by sawing several pieces
>     of wood of equal length. In one case, use the first piece to measure
>     subsequent lengths; in the second case, use the last piece cut to
>     measure the next. Compare the lengths of the two final pieces.
>     — Richard Lathwell, APL Comparison Tolerance, APL76, 1976

Point taken. Anyway, upon reminding how unconfortable  ".is_equal" is
in source code,
I think having an explicit class that can use "==" in this way is not that bad;

> but I'm not so sure. If we introduced a new comparison operator (perhaps
> the Unicode symbol ≈ or the ASCII ~= ?) I'd be less concerned but I
> think overriding == for fuzzy equality is a mistake.

That is nice. As I said, I'd like people to at least having this in mind.

> --
> Steve
> ______________________

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