[Python-ideas] Adding "+" and "+=" operators to dict

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat Feb 14 07:16:32 CET 2015

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal writes:

 > > avoids any confusion over operators and having += duplicating the
 > > update method.
 > += duplicates the extend method on lists.
 > And it's really redundant for numbers, too:
 > x += y
 > x = x + y
 > So plenty of precedent.

Except for the historical detail that Guido dislikes them!  (Or did.)
For a long time he resisted the extended assignment operators,
insisting that

    x += 1

is best spelled

    x = x + 1

I forget whether he ever said "if you're worried about inefficiency of
temp creation, figure out how to optimize the latter".

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