[Python-ideas] Add 'use warnings' directive, like in Perl

Thomas Kluyver thomas at kluyver.me.uk
Tue Feb 10 18:31:05 CET 2015

On 10 February 2015 at 09:24, Eduard Bondarenko <eduardbpy at gmail.com> wrote:

> And the first thing that I have to do programming in Python is to download
> analyser tool.

Most IDEs have some static analysis tool built in which will highlight
these kinds of mistakes. E.g. I use Pycharm, and that's more than capable
of pointing out undefined names for me.

Maybe we should consider including functionality like that in IDLE, but
that would require giving one static analysis tool the official blessing of
inclusion in the standard library, which would probably be controversial.
And I'm not sure many people use IDLE anyway.

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