[Python-ideas] Where to put non-collection ABCs (was: Deprecating the old-style sequence protocol)

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Tue Dec 29 13:42:23 EST 2015

With MAL, Nick, and Yury all suggesting the syntax-related ABCs go into the
abc module and no one else really suggesting otherwise beyond me, I think
it's reasonable to go with the syntax rule-of-thumb for what ABCs go into
abc and all other abstract concepts go into domain-specific modules (e.g.,
import-related ones go into importlib.abc, which Nick forgot to list :).

On Mon, 28 Dec 2015 at 19:58 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 29 December 2015 at 03:58, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> > On 28.12.2015 18:42, Brett Cannon wrote:
> >> Speaking of using ABCs more, where should we put ABCs which have
> nothing to
> >> do with collections? As of right now all ABCs seem to get shoved into
> >> collections.abc, but e.g. Awaitable and Coroutine are not types of
> >> collections. I personally want to add a context manager ABC with a
> default
> >> __exit__.
> >>
> >> I opened http://bugs.python.org/issue25637 to discuss this, but I
> figured a
> >> wider discussion wouldn't hurt. Some suggest just putting the ABCs into
> the
> >> abc module. We could create an interfaces module (top-level or a
> submodule
> >> of ABC). The other option is to put the ABCs in subject-specific
> modules,
> >> so my context manager one would go into contextlib (either top-level or
> an
> >> abc submodule); don't know where the coroutine ones would go since it
> might
> >> be overloading asyncio if we out them there.
> >>
> >> Anyway, the key point is collections.abc is starting to get
> non-collections
> >> stuff and if we are going to start pushing ABCs more we should decide
> how
> >> we want to organize them in general in the stdlib and instead of dumping
> >> them into collections.abc.
> >
> > I'd put them into the abc module (perhaps turning this into a
> > package, if things get too crowded).
> >
> > collections.abc could then do a "from abc import *" for b/w
> > compatibility.
> With the benefit of hindsight, I think a broad namespace separation
> like that might have been a good way to go from a data model
> discoverability perspective, as it clearly separates the abstract
> descriptions of data and control flow modelling concepts from the
> concrete implementations of those concepts.
> However, we should also keep in mind which standard library modules
> already publish ABCs, which is at least:
>   typing
>   io
>   numbers
>   collections.abc
>   selectors
>   email
> (That list was collected by grepping Python files for ABCMeta, so I
> may have missed some)
> That suggests to me that this design decision has effectively already
> been made, and it's to include the ABCs in the relevant domain
> specific modules. The inclusion of the non-collections related ABCs in
> collections.abc are the anomaly, which can be addressed by moving them
> out to a more appropriate location (adjusting the documentation
> accordingly), and then importing them into collections.abc for
> backwards compatibility (taking care not to increase the startup
> import footprint too much in the process).
> The current collections.abc interfaces which I think are most at issue
> here:
>     Callable
>     Iterable
>     Iterator
>     Generator
>     Awaitable
>     Coroutine
>     Awaitable
>     AsyncIterable
>     AsyncIterator
> (I'm excluding Hashable from the list, as the main reason that matters
> is in describing whether or not something is suitable for inclusion in
> a dict or set)
> These differ from the rest of the collections.abc interfaces in that
> they're more closely associated with language level control flow
> syntax than they are with containers specifically:
>     Callable - function calls
>     Iterable - for loops, comprehensions
>     Iterator - for loops, comprehensions
>     Generator - generators, generator expressions
>     Awaitable - await expressions
>     Coroutine - async def
>     AsyncIterable - async for
>     AsyncIterator  - async for
> Adding ContextManager and AsyncContextManager would give ABCs for the
> protocols related to "with" and "async with".
> Since these all correspond to syntactic protocols, I now think it's
> reasonable to include them directly in the "abc" namespace, since that
> still gives us a clear guideline for which ABCs go there, and which
> belong somewhere else: if it has syntax associated with it, or it's
> part of the ABC machinery itself, then it can go directly in the "abc"
> namespace. Using the "abc" namespace also ensures there isn't any
> additional import overhead, since that gets imported by all ABC using
> code anyway.
> Regards,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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