[Python-ideas] String interpolation: environment variables, command substitution

Mike Miller python-ideas at mgmiller.net
Wed Aug 26 21:53:47 CEST 2015

Hold on, it took f'' strings a while to grow on you, give it a few minutes.  ;)

I'd like Python to be competitive with other (shell) scripting languages, and 
appeals to purity stand in the way of that.  Sometimes practical is just darn 

We've already acquiesced to arbitrary expressions, so this is a small further 
step, icing on the cake, no?  I believe Guido mentioned something about 
"half-measures" in one of his messages.


On 08/26/2015 12:21 PM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
 > Which is about as easy as I'd like to make this.

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